R&D talks, seminars and short courses
EUCIC Advanced Module 2024 Athens
Laboratory and clinical aspects of the surveillance of healthcare-associated infections: a theoretical and practical approach
Module organizer: European Committee on Infection Control (EUCIC) of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Module coordinators:
- Athanasios Tsakris, Athens, Greece
- Achilleas Gikas, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
- Georgia Vrioni, Athens, Greece
Programme objectives: The EUCIC training programme – a pan-European science-based programme for infection prevention and control training – was established in order to train a new generation of infection control specialists linking the best expertise at European level. The module in Athens, Greece, is one of the advanced modules of this programme.
Module Programme here.
January 2024
1st Seminar Series in Surgical Research, School of Medicine, University of Crete
The First Seminar in Surgical Research was organized by the Medical School of the University of Crete and the Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students.
The purpose of the seminar was to present the research protocols currently implemented by PhD students of the surgical section of the School, as well as train young doctors and graduate students in surgical research methodologies.
Read more about the seminar programme here.
Evangelos' talk:
June 2023
EUCIC Basic Module for Infection Prevention and Control, Groningen
This module is organised by the European Committee on Infection Control (EUCIC) is taught face-to-face by top experts from different academic centres in Europe, who cover all major aspects of Infection Prevention and Control in the hospital.
Course info here. Read more about the module programme in the flyer here.
Evangelos' presentation:
May 2022
Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine - UoC Medical School, IMBB-FORTH and UCRC
The Joint Seminar Series in Translational and Clinical Medicine are organized to bring together scientists from Basic, Clinical as well as Social Sciences and Humanities providing a forum for exchanging ideas and scientific information with an intent to promote the development of de novo collaborations between researchers from UoC Medical School, IMBB-FORTH and UCRC.
Series program and info here.
Evangelos' presentation:
April 2021
European Committee on Infection Control (EUCIC) Local Module, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Evangelos' presentations:
- Lecture 1: How to survey healthcare-associated infections: principles and methods (in Greek)
- Lecture/seminar 2: Point Prevalence Surveys (PPS): organizational issues, preparation and data collection (in Greek)
- Lecture/seminar 3: Analyzing and reporting prevalence data (in English)
April 2019
19th Panhellenic Conference on Infections, Hellenic Society for Infectious Diseases, Athens, Greece
Workshop on Nosocomial Infection Prevention and Control
Full program flyer here.
Evangelos' presentation:
February 2019
Communicable disease control module, Master of Public Health (MPH) course, University of Sheffield
Invited lecture
May 2017
PPS 2016 training meeting, jointly held by the Infection Control Unit, University Hospital of Heraklion & the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Online Conferencing & Webinar,
Training programme in preparation of the 2nd national Point Prevalence Survey of Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Acute-cate Hospitals,
jointly held by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention, Athens, Greece and the Infection Control Unit of the University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Full program flyer here.
- Κατευθυντήριες Οδηγίες Συλλογής Δεδομένων, Συμπλήρωσης Εντύπων & Online Ηλεκτρονικών Φορμών για τη Μελέτη Επιπολασμού των Νοσοκομειακών Λοιμώξεων και της Χρήσης Αντιβιοτικών στα Ελληνικά Νοσοκομεία [Epidemiological methods and data collection guidelines for the 2nd National Prevalence Study of Nosocomial Infections and Antibiotic Use in Greek Hospitals].
November 2016

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