Research Publications

Healthcare epidemiology and clinical studies 2

  • Aetiologic and prognostic studies - survival analyses
  • Karakonstantis S, Kritsotakis EI, Tziolos RN, Vassilopoulou L, Loukaki M, Kypraiou D, Petrakis EC, Tovil A, Kokkini S, Tryfinopoulou K, Ioannou P, Kondili E, Kofteridis DP. Mortality due to carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii bacteraemia: a five-year cohort study in intensive care patientsClinical Microbiology and Infection 2025 (online ahead of print). PubMedDOIPDF+Suppl. (accepted manuscript).
  • Tziolos RN, Karakonstantis S, Kritsotakis EI, Vassilopoulou L, Loukaki M, Tovil A, Kokkini S, Tryfinopoulou K, Ioannou P, Kondili E, Kofteridis D. Limited Impact of Colistin Resistance on Mortality of Intensive Care Patients with Carbapenem-resistant Bacteremia. Journal of Hospital Infection 2024. DOI.  PubMedWhiteRose (preprint)PDF+supp.files
  • Daskalakis I, Kritsotakis EI, Karantanas A, Kontakis G, Bastian J, Tosounidis T. Application of an in-hospital, surgeon-led anti-osteoporotic medication algorithm in patients with hip fractures improves persistence to medication and can prevent secondary fragility fractureArchives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2024; 144(2):683-692. DOIPubMedPDF Suppl. files.
  • Kritsotakis EI, Lagoutari D, Michailellis E, Georgakakis I, Gikas A. Burden of multidrug and extensively drug-resistant ESKAPEE pathogens in a secondary hospital care setting in GreeceEpidemiology and Infection 2022; 150:e170. PDFDOIPubMedSuppl. files.
  • Wang J, Zhou M, Hesketh T, Kritsotakis EI. Mortality associated with third generation cephalosporin-resistance in Enterobacteriaceae infections: a multicentre cohort study in Southern ChinaExpert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 2021; 19(11):1481-1487. PDF.  DOIPubMed.  Preprint/medrxiv 2020Suppl. files.
  • Karakonstantis S, Gikas A, Astrinaki E, Kritsotakis EI. Excess mortality due to pandrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii infections in hospitalized patientsJournal of Hospital Infection 2020; 106(3):447-453. PDFPreprintDOIPubMedKUDOS summary.
  • Clinical Predictiol models
  • Diagnostic studies
  • Delaney A, Kritsotakis EI, Horner K, Kitchen S, Sedcole J, Baxter T, Maclean RM, Makris M, Samuelson CV. High prevalence of platelet function disorders in women referred for surgical management of refractory heavy menstrual bleeding. Haemophilia 2025 (online ahead of print). PubMed, DOI, PDF, Supplementary material.
  • Petra G, Kritsotakis EI, Gouvas N, Schizas D, Toutouzas K, Karanikas M, Pappas-Gogos G, Stylianidis G, Zacharioudakis G, Laliotis A, Christodoulidis G, Kehagias I, Lasithiotakis K. Multicentre prospective study on the diagnostic and prognostic validity of malnutrition assessment tools in surgery. British Journal of Surgery 2025; 112(2). PubMed, DOI, PDF, Suppl. material
  • Zhou M, Xu B, Guo Z, Zeng Y, Lei J, Kritsotakis EI, Wang J. Clinical burden of community-associated infections caused by multidrug- resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A propensity-matched longitudinal cohort study in Southern China. GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 2024; 19: :Doc51. PubMed, DOI, PDF+Suppl.
  • Durojaiye OC and Kritsotakis EI. Evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients receiving outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) in a UK setting. Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 2024. DOI. PubMed. WhiteRose (preprint). PDF+suppl.files.
  • Durojaiye OC, Cole J, Kritsotakis EI. Effectiveness and safety of a disposable elastomeric continuous infusion pump for outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) in a UK setting. Journal of Chemotherapy 2024; 36(2):119-126. DOI. PubMed. WhiteRose (preprint). PDFSuppl. files
  • Karakonstantis S, Rousaki M, Vassilopoulou L, Kritsotakis EI. Global prevalence of cefiderocol non-susceptibility in Enterobacterales, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: a systematic review and meta-analysisClinical Microbiology and Infection 2024; 30(2):178-188. DOI. PubMed. WhiteRose (preprint). PDF. Suppl. files.
  • Kokkinakis S, Kritsotakis EI, [38 more co-authors], Lasithiotakis K. Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for serious complications after emergency laparotomy. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2024; 50(1):283-293. DOI. PubMed. PDF. Suppl. files
  • Durojaiye OC, Cole J, Kritsotakis EI. Risk of venous thromboembolism in outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT): a systematic review and meta-analysisInternational Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2023; 62(3): 106911. DOI. PubMed. WhiteRose (preprint). PDFSuppl.file.
  • Bolikas E, Astrinaki E, Panagiotaki E, Vitsaxaki E, Saplamidou S, Drositis I, Stafylaki D, Chamilos G, Gikas A, Kofteridis DP, Kritsotakis EI. Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Preventive Measures against Healthcare-Associated Infections from Antibiotic-Resistant ESKAPEE Pathogens: A Two-Center, Natural Quasi-Experimental Study in Greece. Antibiotics 2023; 12(7):1088. DOI. PubMed. PDF+Suppl.
  • Spernovasilis N, Kritsotakis EI, Mathioudaki A, Vouidaski A, Spanias C, Petrodaskalaki M, Ioannou P, Chamilos G, Kofteridis DP. A carbapenem-focused antimicrobial stewardship program implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in a setting of high endemicity for multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2023;78(4):1000-1008. DOI. PubMed. PDF+Suppl.
  • Kokkinakis S, Kritsotakis EI, [38 more co-authors], Lasithiotakis K. Prospective multicenter external validation of postoperative mortality prediction tools in patients undergoing emergency laparotomy. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 2023; 94(6):847-856. DOI. PubMed. WhiteRose. PDF+Suppl.file.
  • Spernovasilis N, Kritsotakis EI, Mathioudaki A, Vouidaski A, Markaki I, Psaroudaki D, Ioannou P, Kofteridis DP. Antimicrobial Prescribing before and after the Implementation of a Carbapenem-Focused Antimicrobial Stewardship Program in a Greek Tertiary Hospital during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Antibiotics 2023; 12(1):39. DOI. PubMed. PDF.
  • Durojaiye OC, Jibril I, Kritsotakis EI. Effectiveness of telemedicine in outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (Tele-OPAT): A systematic review. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2022; In press. DOI. PubMed. Preprint. White Rose. PDF+Suppl.
  • Durojaiye OC, Jibril I, Kritsotakis EI. Palliative outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT): a single center experience and systematic scoping review. Clinical Infection in Practice 2022; 16: 100205. DOIPDF.  Suppl. files.
  • Lasithiotakis K, Kritsotakis EI, Kokkinakis S et al. (37 more authors) The Hellenic Emergency Laparotomy Study (HELAS): A Prospective Multicentre Study on the Outcomes of Emergency Laparotomy in Greece. World Journal of Surgery 2023; 47(1):130-139. PDF. DOI. PubMed. Suppl. files.
  • Karakonstantis S, Kritsotakis EI. Editorial for the Special Issue: "Epidemiology, Prognosis and Antimicrobial Treatment of Extensively Antibiotic-Resistant Bacterial Infections". Antibiotics 2022; 11(6):804. PDF. DOI. PubMed.
  • Karakonstantis S, Rousaki M, Kritsotakis EI. Cefiderocol: systematic review of mechanisms of resistance, heteroresistance and in vivo emergence of resistance. Antibiotics 2022;11(6):723. PDF. DOI. PubMed.
  • Durojaiye OC, Slucka A, Kritsotakis EI. Retrospective analysis of outcomes of outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) for necrotising otitis externa. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2022; 41(6):941-949. PDFDOI. PubMed, Suppl. files. WhiteRose.
  • Karakonstantis S, Ioannou P, Kritsotakis EI. Co-isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii complex in polymicrobial infections: a meta-analysis. Access Microbiology 2022; 4(5):000348. PDF. DOI. PubMed. Suppl. files. WhiteRose.
  • Kokkinakis S, Kritsotakis EI, Maliotis N, Karageorgiou I, Chrysos E, Lasithiotakis K. Complications of modern pancreaticoduodenectomy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International 2022; 21(6):527-537. PDF.  DOI. PubMed. Suppl. files. WhiteRose.
  • Stavrakakis IM, Kritsotakis EI, Giannoudis PV, Kapsetakis P, Dimitriou R, Bastian JD, Tosounidis TH. Sciatic nerve injury after acetabular fractures: a meta-analysis of incidence and outcomes. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2022; 48(4):2639-2654. PDF.  DOI. PubMEd. Suppl. files.
  • Durojaiye OC, Morgan R, Chelaghma N, Kritsotakis EI. Clinical predictors of outcome in patients with infective endocarditis receiving outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT). Journal of Infection 2021;83(6):644-649. PDF. DOI. PubMed. Suppl. files. WhiteRose.
  • Karakonstantis, S, Kritsotakis EI. Systematic review and meta-
  • analysis of the proportion and associated mortality of polymicrobial (vs monomicrobial) pulmonary and bloodstream infections by Acinetobacter baumannii complex. Infection 2021; 49(6):1149-1161. PDF. DOI. PubMed. Suppl. files
  • Durojaiye OC, Morgan R, Chelaghma N, Palit J, Keil C, Omer R, Cartwright K, Kritsotakis EI. External validity and clinical usefulness of a risk prediction model for 30-day unplanned hospitalisation in patients receiving outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy.  Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2021; 76(8):2204-2212. PDFDOI. PubMed. WhiteRose.
  • Karakonstantis S, Kritsotakis EI, Gikas A. Is pandrug-resistance in A. baumannii a transient phenotype? Epidemiological clues from a 4-year cohort study at a tertiary referral hospital in Greece. Journal of Chemotherapy 2021;33(5):354-357. PDFDOI. PubMed. Suppl. files.
  • Karakonstantis S, Kritsotakis EI, Gikas A. Treatment options for K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii co-resistant to carbapenems, aminoglycosides, polymyxins and tigecycline. An approach based on the mechanisms of resistance to carbapenems. Infection 2020; 48(6):835-851. PDF.  Preprint. DOI. PubMed. Springer share link.
  • Kritsotakis EI, Groves - Kozhageldiyeva A.  A systematic review of the global seasonality of infections caused by Acinetobacter species in hospitalized patients. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2020;26(5):553-562.  PDFPreprint PDF. PubMed. DOI. KUDOS. White Rose. Suppl. files.
  • Karakonstantis S, Kritsotakis EI and Gikas A. Pandrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. A systematic review of current epidemiology, prognosis and treatment options. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2020; 75: 271-282. PDFPreprint. PubMed. DOI. White Rose. Suppl. files.
  • Durojaiye OC, Kritsotakis EI, Johnston P, Kenny T, Ntziora F, Cartwright K. Developing a Risk Prediction Model for 30-Day Unplanned Hospitalisation in Patients Receiving Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2019;25(7):905.e1-905.e7. Preprint. Final PDFPubMed. DOI. KUDOS. White Rose.
  • Kritsotakis EI, Astrinaki E, Messaritaki A, Gikas A. Implementation of multimodal infection control and hand hygiene strategies in acute-care hospitals in Greece: a cross-sectional benchmarking survey. American Journal of Infection Control 2018; 46(10): 1097-1103. PDF. White RosePubMedDOI. KUDOS.
  • Durdu B, Kritsotakis EI, Lee ACK, Torun P, Hakyemez IN, Gultepe B, Aslan T. Temporal trends and patterns in antimicrobial resistant Gram-negative bacteria implicated in intensive care unit-acquired infections: a cohort-based surveillance study in Istanbul, Turkey. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 2018;14:190-196. PDF. White RosePubMed.  DOI
  • Samuelson C, Kaur H, Kritsotakis EI, Goode SD, Nield A, Partridge D. A daily topical decontamination regimen reduces catheter-related bloodstream infections in haematology patients. Journal of Infection 2018; 76(2):132-139. PDF. White RosePubMed. DOI. KUDOS.  
  • Kritsotakis EI, Kontopidou F, Astrinaki E, Roumbelaki M, Ioannidou E, Gikas A. Prevalence, incidence burden, and clinical impact of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance: a national prevalent cohort study in acute care hospitals in Greece. Infection and Drug Resistance 2017; 10:317-328. PDF. PubMed. DOI. KUDOS. White Rose.
  • Tsioutis C, Kritsotakis EI, Karageorgos SA, Stratakou S, Psarologakis C, Kokkini S, Gikas A. Clinical epidemiology, treatment and prognostic factors of extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2016; 48(5):492-7. PDFPubMed. DOI. White Rose.
  • Chaliotis G, Kritsotakis EI, Psaroulaki A, Tselentis Y, Gikas A. Murine typhus in central Greece: epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and therapeutic-response features of 90 cases. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; 16:e591-e596. PDF. PubMed. DOI. CORE.
  • Kritsotakis EI, Tsioutis C, Roumbelaki M, Christidou A, Gikas A. Antibiotic use and the risk of carbapenem-resistant extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in hospitalized patients: results of a double case-control study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2011; 66(6):1383-91. PDFPubMed.  DOI.
  • Gikas A, Roumbelaki M, Bagatzouni-Pieridou D, Alexandrou M, Zinieri V, Dimitriadis I, Kritsotakis EI. Device-associated infections in the intensive care units of Cyprus: results of the first national incidence study. Infection 2010; 38(3):165-171. PDF.  PubMedDOI.
  • Tsioutis C, Kritsotakis EI, Maraki S, Gikas A. Infections by pandrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria: clinical profile, therapeutic management, and outcome in a series of 21 patients. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2010; 29(3):301-5. PDF. PubMEd. DOI.
  • Kritsotakis EI, Christidou A, Roumbelaki M, Tselentis Y, Gikas A. The dynamic relationship between antibiotic use and the incidence of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus: time-series modelling of 7-year surveillance data in a tertiary-care hospital. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2008; 14(8): 747-754. PDF. PubMed. DOI. CORE.
  • Kritsotakis ΕΙ, Dimitriadis I, Roumbelaki M, Vounou E, Kontou M, Papakyriakou P, Koliou-Mazeri M, Varthalitis I, Vrouchos G, Troulakis G, Gikas A. Case-mix adjustment approach to benchmarking prevalence rates of nosocomial infection in hospitals in Cyprus and Greece. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2008; 29(8):685-692. PDF. PubMed. DOI
  • Roumbelaki M, Kritsotakis EI, Tsioutis C, Tzilepi P, Gikas A. Surveillance of surgical site infections at a tertiary-care hospital in Greece: Incidence, risk factors, microbiology and impact. American Journal of Infection Control 2008; 36(10):732-738. PDF. PubMed. DOI.
  • Gikas Α, Kritsotakis EI, Maraki S, Roumbelaki Μ, Babalis D, Scoulica E, Panoulis C, Saloustros E, Kontopodis E, Samonis G, Tselentis Y. A nosocomial, foodborne outbreak of Salmonella Enterica serovar Enteritidis in a University hospital in Greece: the importance of establishing HACCP systems in hospital catering. Journal of Hospital Infection 2007; 66(2):194-196. PDF. PubMed. DOI.
  • Dima S, Kritsotakis EI, Roumbelaki M, Metalidis S, Karabinis A, Maguina N, Klouva F, Levidiotou S, Zakynthinos E, Kioumis J, Gikas A. Device-associated nosocomial infection rates in intensive care units in Greece. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 2007; 28(5):602-605. PDF. PubMed. DOI. Οlympias repository.
  • Kritsotakis EI, Assithianakis P, Kanellos P, Tzagarakis N, Ioannides MC, Gikas A. Surveillance of monthly antimicrobial consumption rates stratified by patient-care area: a tool for triggering and targeting antibiotic policy changes in the hospital. Journal of Chemotherapy 2006; 18(4):394-401. PDF. PubMedDOI.
  • Kritsotakis EI and Gikas A. Surveillance of antibiotic use in hospitals: methods, trends and targets. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2006; 12:701-704. (Editorial Review). PDF. PubMed. DOI. CORE.
  • Gikas Α, Christidou Α, Scoulica Ε, Nikolaidis P, Skoutelis A, Levidiotou S, Kartali S, Maltezos E, Metalidis S, Kioumis J, Haliotis G, Dima S, Roumbelaki M, Papageorgiou N, Kritsotakis EI, Tselentis Y. Epidemiology and molecular analysis of intestinal colonization by vancomycin-resistant enterococci in Greek hospitals. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2005; 43(11):5796-99. PDF. PubMed. DOI

Statistics in practice, Tutorials and Commentaries

  • Kokkinakis S, Kritsotakis EI, Lasithiotakis K. Artificial Intelligence in Surgical Risk Prediction. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023; 12(12):4016. DOI, PubMed, PDF.
  • Kritsotakis EI. Review of Medical Risk Prediction Models: With Ties to Machine Learning, by Thomas A. Gerds, Michael W. Kattan (CRC 2022, ISBN 9781138384477). In: International Society of Biostatistics Newsletter, December 2021. PDF.
  • Kritsotakis EI. On the importance of population-based serological surveys of SARS-CoV-2 without overlooking their inherent uncertainties. Public Health in Practice 2020; 1:100013. PDF.  DOI. PudMedPMC. Preprint.
  • Kritsotakis EI. Distinguishing between confounders and effect modifiers using stratified analysis and logistic regression. A case study in healthcare epidemiology. SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2020. DOI. White Rose. Preprint PDF.
  • Kritsotakis EI, Castilla-Fernandez G, Strong M. Modelling recurrent event data: a comparison of the Cox proportional hazards model and three of its extensions to estimate the risk of recurrent healthcare-associated infections in critically ill patients. Poster presented at the 6th Annual Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers (SAfJR), Leicester, UK, April 2017.  DOIScienceOpen Posters,  ePosters
  • Kritsotakis EI. Re: Hormonal contraception use among teenagers linked to depression - Yet another example of a never ending confusion between relative and absolute risks? British Medical Journal (BMJ) 2016;354:i5289 (Letter to Editor - commentary). PDF. White Rose.

Public Health, Social Epidemiology, Primary Care 

  • Volkos P, Kritsotakis EI, Symvoulakis EK. Psychotropic medicine use without current or prior medical advice, storage at home and association with perceived stress in a primary health care setting in Greece. Medicina de Familia - Semergen 2024; 50(3):102150. PubMed. DOI. ScienceDirect. PDF.
  • Nunn SPT, Kritsotakis EI, Harpin V, Parker J. Social gradients in the receipt of medication for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and young people in Sheffield. BJPsych Open 2020;6(2):e14. DOI. PubMedWhite Rose.
  • Black M, Barnes A, Baxter S, Beynon C, Clowes M, Dallat M, Davies A, Furber A, Goyder E, Jeffery C, Kritsotakis EI, Strong M. Learning across the UK: A review of public health systems and policy approaches to early child development since national devolution. Journal of Public Health (Oxf) 2020;42(2):224-238. PDF. PubMed. DOI. White Rose.
  • Barnes A, Black M, Baxter S, Furber A, Strong M, Beynon C, Dallat M, Jeffery C, Davies AR, Goyder E, Kritsotakis EI, Clowes M. Understanding public health systems through a participatory systematic review and systems infographic. In: The Lancet. Public Health Science 2019, 29 Nov 2019, London, UK. Elsevier. DOI. White Rose.
  • El Jassar OG, El Jassar IN, Kritsotakis EI. Assessment of quality of information available over the internet about vegan diet. Nutrition & Food Science 2019; 49(6):1142-1152. PDF. DOI. White Rose.
  • Black M, Karki J, Lee ACK, Makai P, Baral YR, Kritsotakis EI, Bernier A, Fossier Heckmann S. The health risks of informal waste workers in the Kathmandu Valley: a cross-sectional survey. Public Health 2019;166:10-18. PDF. PubMed. DOI. White Rose.
  • Kleisiaris CF, Kritsotakis EI, Daniil Z, Markakis G, Papathanasiou IV, Androulaki Z, Gourgoulianis KI. Assessing the risk of obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome in elderly home care patients with chronic multimorbidity: a cross-sectional screening study. SpringerPlus 2016;5:34. PDF. PubMed. DOI. White Rose.
  • Kleisiaris CF, Kritsotakis EI, Daniil Z, Tzanakis N, Papaioannou A, Gourgoulianis KI. The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome-related symptoms and their relation to airflow limitation in an elderly population receiving home care. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2014; 9:1111-1117. PDF. PubMed. DOI. White Rose.
  • Kalaitzaki AE, Birtchnell J, Kritsotakis EI. The associations between negative relating and aggression in the dating relationships of students from Greece. Partner Abuse 2010; 1(4):420-42. PDF. DOI
  • Hatzakis KD, Kritsotakis EI, Karadimitri SA, Sikioti TD, Androulaki ZD. Community cardiopulmonary resuscitation training in Greece. Research in Nursing & Health 2008; 31(2):165-171. PDF. PubMed. DOI.
  • Chronaki CE, Berthier A, Bestier S, Kontoyiannis V, Matsakis Y, del Mar Lleo M, Gikas A, Kritsotakis E, Braak L. Satellite-enabled applications for health early warning in public health after a disaster: experience from a readiness exercise. Published in: P. Cunningham and M. Cunningham (eds): Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2008, pp. 146-154. PDF. ISBN 978-1-58603-924-0.
  • Hatzakis KD, Kritsotakis EI, Angelaki HP, Tzanoudaki IK, Androulaki ZD. First Aid knowledge among industry workers in Greece. Industrial Health 2005; 43:327-332. PDF. PubMed. DOI

Research Protocols & Reports

  • Kritsotakis E, Kokkinakis S, Xanthakis I, Morgia A, Samaritaki M, Lasithiotakis K. Prognostic performance of the Simplified Acute Physiology Scores SAPS II and SAPS 3 in patients requiring intensive care: a systematic review and meta-analysis of external validation studies. PROSPERO 2023 CRD42023446721
  • Durojaiye OC, Cole J, Kritsotakis E. Risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT): a systematic review. PROSPERO 2022 CRD42022381523.
  • Durojaiye OC, Jibril I, Kritsotakis E. Effectiveness of telemedicine in outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (Tele-OPAT): a systematic review. PROSPERO 2022 CRD42022342874.
  • Durojaiye OC, Jibril I, Kritsotakis EI. Palliative Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT): a Single Centre Experience and Systematic Scoping Review. OSF 2022, DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/9JA8F.
  • Karakonstantis S, Rousaki M, Vassilopoulou L, Kritsotakis E. Global burden of resistance to cefiderocol and aztreonam/avibactam in clinically important Gram-negative pathogens: a living systematic review and meta-analysis. PROSPERO 2021 CRD42021265927.
  • Kritsotakis E, Kozhageldiyeva A. A systematic review of the global seasonality of infections caused by Acinetobacter species in hospitalised patientsPDF. Published at PROSPERO 2018 CRD42018114547
  • Karki J, Pohl G, Baral YR, Black M, Lee CKA, Kritsotakis E, Fossier-Heckmann A, Poudel S, Bernier A. Health status and occupational risks in informal waste workers in Nepal: results from a cross-sectional study conducted in the Kathmandu Valley. Study and report funded by Médecins du Monde (Paris, France). PDF. Published at: and
  • Barnes A, Baxter S, Beynon C, Black M, Clowes M, Dallat M, Davies A, Furber A, Goyder E, Jeffery C, Kritsotakis E, Strong M. Four Nations Study: A comparative systems review and thematic policy analysis of public health across the four constituent countries of the UK. Completed on behalf of the Association of the Directors of Public Health (ADPH), UK. PDF. Published at More online resources at
  • Kritsotakis EI (2016). Handbook of methods, procedures and data collection guidelines for the Prevalence Study of Nosocomial Infections and Antibiotic Use in Greek Hospitals. Second Edition, November 2016. [In Greek]. PDF. Published at
  • Gikas A, Kritsotakis EI, Roumbelaki M (2012). Handbook of methods, procedures and data collection guidelines for the Prevalence Study of Nosocomial Infections and Antibiotic Use in Greek Hospitals. First Edition, May 2012. [In Greek].  PDF. Available from the Greek Society for Infection Control
  • Gikas A, Roumbelaki M, Ioannidou H, Kritsotakis EI. Handbook of criteria and field guidelines for detecting and defining Nosocomial Infections (based on ECDC definitions 2011). First Edition, May 2012. [In Greek]. PDF. Available from the Greek Society for Infection Control.
  • Gikas A, Kritsotakis EI, Roumbelaki M, Dimitriadis I. Nosocomial Infections in Cyprus: Results of Epidemiologic Studies Held in the Cypriot Public Hospitals within the Framework of the Cross-border network of Crete and Cyprus, 2006-2007 (EU Community Initiative Programme INTERREG III A / Greece-Cyprus). February 2009. [In Greek] PDF.


  • Kritsotakis EI (2007). Development of an antibiotic use surveillance system, statistical investigation of the relationship between antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance, and implementation of evidence-based antibiotic policies in the district general hospitals of Crete [In Greek]. Doctoral Thesis, School of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Crete, Greece. DOI: 10.12681/eadd/15799PDF.   Main supervisor: Dr Achilleas Gikas

  • Kritsotakis EI (1999). Statistical Issues in Credit Scoring Classification. Master's Dissertation, MSc Statistics and Operational Research, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex.  PDF. Supervisor: Dr. H.G. Li.

  • Kritsotakis E (1998). Applications of the Theory of Modules in Group Theory and Linear Algebra [In Greek]. Undergraduate Dissertation, Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences & Engineering, University of Crete. PDF. Supervisor: Dr Alexis Kouvidakis.

Acknowledged contribution in large research groups

  • Alper BS et al; COVID-19 Knowledge Accelerator (COKA) Initiative. Making science computable: Developing code systems for statistics, study design, and risk of bias. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2021; 115: 103685. PubMed. DOI.
  • Walter J, et al; ECDC PPS Study Group. Healthcare-associated pneumonia in acute care hospitals in European Union/European Economic Area countries: an analysis of data from a point prevalence survey, 2011 to 2012. Euro Surveillance 2018;23(32). PDF. PubMed. DOI.
  • Rosenthal VD et al; International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC), Data summary of 43 countries for 2007-2012. Device-associated module. American Journal of Infection Control 2014; 42(9):942-56. PDF. DOI. Author List Erratum in: AJIC 2015; 43(7): 779-83
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